Many residents cannot afford to relocate their homes and have limited options available to them.
While NeighborWorks Montana typically supports resident owned communities, Spring Creek Mobile Home Park is not resident-owned. However, we are committed to helping as much as possible under these critical circumstances.
To manage this emergency, we are partnering with the Whitefish Community Foundation to accept donations into a special Spring Creek Resident Relocation Fund. We are fortunate to have a trusted local foundation handling this, allowing us to focus on assisting residents. They are waiving all administrative fees, ensuring that 100% of donations support the displaced residents.
Tax-deductible donations can be made by phone at 406-863-1781, by mail to Whitefish Community Foundation, PO Box 1060, Whitefish, MT 59937, or ONLINE.

NeighborWorks Montana staff members, Danielle Maiden and Naomi Valentine talking with Spring Creek residents at a recent meeting.